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Rise In Housing Demolitions Make Way For New Builds

There has been an increase in the number of housing demolitions in Wales, which is set to make way for a surge in the construction of new build properties.

Digital protractors and cross lasers are likely to be in need in the coming year, as 284 dwellings were destroyed in Wales between 2014 and 2015. This is an increase of 29 per cent from the 221 houses that were demolished the year before.

Flintshire, in particular, saw a large number of demolitions take place (135), which is more than double the figure of the previous year in the area. This is the result of the ‘Flint Masterplan’, a regeneration strategy that will see lots of old dwellings being replaced by new properties.

This comes after the Welsh government revealed there has been a “sustained increase in the number of new dwellings” over the last three years.

Between July and September last year, work on 1,819 properties began, which is significantly more than during the same quarter in 2013-14 and 2012-13. Indeed, in 2014-15, the number of new property starts rose by 20 per cent when compared with the year before.

As well as new starts on the rise, completions have also increased too, with the number of these growing by six per cent last year.

The recent rise in demolitions in Wales could mean even more new dwellings begin to crop up between 2016 and 2017, which will come as good news to all those working in the construction industry.
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